August 5, 2015

The Curse of Centralisation

So let’s talk about an elephant in the room: if you want to get involved with new projects and new companies as a freelancer, you have to go to GenCon.

GenCon is the biggest tradgames convention. It is the only one, as far as most of the work goes. And if you don’t go, you don’t exist.

August 5, 2015

No Silver Bullets

A small but significant amount of commentary on the shitty situation for freelancers in the industry side of the TRPG industry is along the lines of Well, just run a Kickstarter or Patreon for the games you want to design”.

This is bad advice. Kickstarter and Patreon are not the tools to free writers from the shackles of the game design industry.1

August 5, 2015

Thinking On

Naturally, a lot of discussion on the issues raised in and around my last post happened elsewhere on social media. Mostly Google+, as that site tends to have the largest gamer population1.

Because I don’t want it locked in a proprietary social network bubble, I’m going to revise and condense a lot of what I posted and what the discussion moved on to here.

August 4, 2015

Freelancers, Incentives, and Shit Like That

Yeah, I’ve been keeping up with Olivia Hill, Ryan Macklin, and Michelle Lyons on the current state of the industry for freelance game writers and designers. Might as well weigh in.

Those of you who a) read me on Livejournal and b) I trust can see that I’ve had my own thoughts around this. I’m not making that post public as it’s tied in to my personal feelings of frustration in addition to the broader topic.

Read more... administrivia
April 22, 2015

Unfinished - A Game in 150 Words

I made a new game. It’s called Unfinished, it’s about ghosts, and it’s just 150 words long.

April 2, 2015

Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition

You all know I make games, right?1 Not just for myself, but also for Onyx Path Publishing?2

OPP don’t just let me play in their sandbox, they gave me a corner of it as my own — I’m the madman line developer for both Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Werewolf: The Forsaken.

Read more... gaming release werewolf white wolf WoD